Random Stuff

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Windows Vista Secret #1: Open Command Prompt Here

Here's a handy trick until a power tools comes out for Vista.  Right click a folder while holding down shift.  You will get an extra option: Open Command Window Here. Clicking here will open the current working directory and save you typing some commands to get to a working directory.


Go Ape!

 Last Friday we had our first ever IT meeting the day before we had some team building at GO Ape!  Was a bit weary of this all sounded a bit naff climbing about in trees.  The kind of team building that intrestets me is sitting in a pub getting mangled.

On arrival at go ape there was some refreshments (nothing alcoholic) followed by a 30 minute safety briefing.

They have 3 course, each course gets higher and higher into the trees.  At the end of each course there is a zip line taking you back to the ground.  Some of the courses have a black trail, these trails lead you away from the easy obstacles and onto something a lot harder.  I was done in when I completed the black obstacles and still have the blisters on my hands from it.

On the final course they had a zip line with a target, you got a bean bag ball and had too get as close to the target as possible.  Prizes to be given out later.  All sounded a bit gay so decided to go down this backwards and through my ball over my head.  Turned the zip line around and I seen my ball coming back down making an attempt to kick the ball.

 After this there was a BBQ and some beers followed by prizes.  Top prize turned out to be a tom tom sat nav, 2nd prize was a 5mb digital camera.....only if I knew that....

Everyone was getting prizes, name still not called out.  Down to the last two now, from the prizes that the guys above me got I was surprised, they were walking away with pens and pencil sharpeners.  We managed to bag some Toshiba T shirts and some baseball caps.

All in turned out to be a fun day.  Check out Go ape here

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Water Pressure

We are currently in a war with Scottish Water as our water pressure is crap.  Found this out the hard way.  Michele was running a bath and I was trying to wash dishes, nothing came out the taps.

Scottish Water say we can only get 1 bar in our area and that's that.

Michele being one of them lawyer people she checked out their legal requirements, turns out that 1 bar is fine.

Neighbours above do not have the same problem as us and she uses the same supply.

Engineer has came out and concluded that there is something wrong with our pipe work in the bathroom as the kitchen is fine.

Does not explain why the kitchen tap goes off then.

Time to get a plumber back out....sigh

Bedroom 2 + 3 Finished

Ok its been a while since I have blogged about my home improvements.....

We are now finished all the bedrooms, finishing the flooring and putting a single bed in one room and a double in the larger room.  We decided to keep this carpet in here until we can afford some more flooring.

Michele's mum done an excellent job of cleaning these two rooms in time for Karen staying.

Over the week we got the shower finally sorted, which reminds me I need to sell this other one on eBay.  Also got a shower screen and some other odds and ends installed in bathroom

Kitchen is almost fully functional we are still missing a dishwasher and washing machine due to pipes needing to be moved.  A lick of paint and some tiles.

Just leaving us the hall to complete.

Before and after pics:

Super Ghouls and Ghosts GBA

This game is designed to make you break things, I have kicked many a table and punched many a things due to the rage that this game creates. Its also one of the hardest games I have ever played.

Now with that in mind I have been playing it recently on my GBA, (actually over the past year as I was stuck on world 3) With all the traveling I have been doing in the last week by plane and train I have been getting right into this.

Just killed the last boss and came to a screen where the princess says I have hid a bracelet you need to find this to beat the daemon, you cant enter until you find this bracelet.  Thought ok cool should be somewhere in this last level.....

I was mistaken back to world 1.  I mean come on to fuck.  Went through the whole game never even seen this stupid bracelet and now they want me to redo the game looking for it.


Dam Capcom for releasing this for the GBA.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

Caught this movie last night, sounded a bit crap when Michele was telling me about it on the way to the movies.  Turns out this movie was really enjoyable and worth a watch.  Being an independent film I don't know how long the cinema will keep it on for, so catch it while you can. 

Link to Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Chainsaw Awards

The chainsaw awards have been running for around 10 years now.  You can vote at Fangoria always find these votes fun.

My Votes

Killer Movie (Best Horror Film): The Descent ;Great movie for changing your pants.

Most Thrilling Killing (Best Death Scene):  the crotch-bite from Snakes on a Plane; Just found this one too funny to not vote it.

Dude You Don't Wanna Mess With (Best Hero):  Samuel L. Jackson in Snakes on a Plane; Don't want to mess with Samuel be it this movie or any other.

Chick You Don't Wanna Mess With (Best Heroine):  Radha Mitchell in Silent Hill;That's one pissed off mother.

Relationship from Hell (Best Couple or Duo): Bill Moseley & Sheri Moon Zombie in The Devil's Rejects;I think that's the clown and his wife, not sure.

Best Butcher (Best Villain): Jan Vlasak in Hostel; Went with Jan on this one.

Creepiest Kid:  Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick in The Omen; Freaky looking child.

Highest Body Count: Slither; Did take out an entire town!

Line That Killed (Best One-Liner): The Devil's Rejects ("Boy, the next words out of your mouth better be some brilliant f**kin' Mark Twain shit, 'cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone."); Was a toss up between this and snakes.  Went for this one after much pondering

Bloodiest Beatdown (Best Fight Scene): The Descent (Juno & Sarah vs. The Crawlers)

Best with Less (Best Limited-Release/Budget Film): The Dark Hours; Haven't seen any of these just picked one.

Sickest FX (Special Effects): Silent Hill; Liked the eery effects on this movie, great use of FX.

Looks That Kill (Makeup Effects): The Hills Have Eyes; Erm not sure if they made the mutants look like that or they casted in Glasgow!

Most Disturbing Import (Scariest Foreign Film): Night Watch; Erm no idea about these movies

Killer Television (TV show, anthology or film): Masters of Horror Same as above.

Killer Video (Best music Video): Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California; Ok pointless now.

Video Inspired by Film (Music video /film adaption): Fall Out Boy "A Little Less Sixteen Candels A Little More Touch me" (Lost Boys)

Price of Darkness (Darkest male artist in music video): Gerard Way - My Chemical Romance

Femme Fatale (Most evil female character in music video): Evanescence - "Call Me When You're Sober"