Its been a couple of months since we started to attack the garden, things have been moving on slowly weather permitting of course. My dads friend Andy came and fixed the fence at the bottom of the garden, there was a piece removed and he welded this back on for us. This stopped folk using our garden as a shortcut.
When we cut the trees down all the branches were left sitting in the garden, these would have to be tidied up before anything else could be done in the garden. The same guy who welded the fence back on loaned us a shredder which allowed us to shred some of the branches. The bigger branches got cut into logs and piled up. My dad has bought a fire pit which allows him to fire in our logs and burn them in his backyard for warmth through the summer nights.
Next thing we done was remove the fence that partitioned our land off, this was a pointless fence in my view and allows the kid above us to play in more of an area instead of all the toys in the communal area for the washing.
Once all this was completed, the lady above us paid for the grass to be cut at the back. Meanwhile we started to plant plants at the front of the garden. The front lawn is very mossy and after killing a lot of the moss and weeds has left the lawn patchy. We planted some sort of bush into the middle of the lawn which has now started to blossom.

Fast forward to last weekend grass had grown again and a tree stump was still to be dug up. I got my lawn mower out the cupboard and cut the front and back grass. The lady above us land is too hard to cut with a lawn mower as there is loads of hedge stumps and stones under the grass so I decided not to break my lawn mower.
Digging tree roots up is hard work we have managed to get part of the root dug up and are moving places with that.
Not long till I get a shed, before we do that I fancy painting the wooden fence!
What our garden currently looks like.