This weekend we started to attack the garden. There are lots of things we want to do to the garden. The only picture I took of the garden when we bought the place last May.
From this you can get the rough idea that the garden has never been maintained. First thing we needed to do was establish a fence at the bottom of the garden as neighbours were using this as a shortcut between streets. To do this the trees down the back of the garden would have to be cut back to allow a fence to go up.
In I step with a saw....
Now the garden looks even worse although I am assured that the trees will grow back. We plan to leave one and place a garden shed where the other is. If you look closely enough you may notice a door at the bottom of the garden. There is indeed a fence down there which is quite sturdy but a bit of the fence has been cut away. Using an old door taken out of our house (and left in the garden for a few months) we blocked this gap to try and stop this being used as a shortcut.
Next course of action which will most likely be next weekend is to try and remove the tree at the bottom right of the picture. Really wish I bought a chain saw!
Anyone looking for some spare firewood?