Random Stuff

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

El Laberinto del Fauno

Also known as Pan's Labyrinth, caught this movie last week after seeing the new bond.  For opening night being in a 120 seater in Cineworld Glasgow tells me that there is not much press behind this movie.  The cinema hall was about 3/4 full.

I think this is the best movie of 2006, still not released in USA, probably why this release has been fairly quite.  Get to the cinema and see this.

Pans Labyrinth is set in the fascist regime of rural Spain in 1944.  Centering on the main character Ofeila, her Family are uprooted to a military outpost, with her Stepfather a captain of the army tasked of ridding the area of rebels.  Seeking escape form the world she is living in she is drawn into a fantasy world as dangerous as the one she wants to leave behind.

I am normally put of by movies that are subtitled as I tend to focus too much on reading, I was fine after a few minutes.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I have seen a number of odd things at work, cats getting stuck underneath the cabins, rabbits in the summer but I think this is the strangest I have seen so far.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Kitchen Painted

The idea with the kitchen is to tile 1/2 and paint 1/2.  With the walls bare they needed an undercoat of paint, which happened to be the left over white paint.  Kitchen got a quick coat of this over the weekend, the doors and window frame also got some gloss paint.  This brighten the place up as the walls were a mankey brown colour.

Now we just need to decided on colour, the kitchen units are white my interior decorating skills suck so will be leaving this to Michele.  My parents are getting us the tiles for Christmas so just need to hassle Michele to pick her paint and tiles.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Things to do

Not much happing at all in the house, with Michele gone this weekend I have plans to paint the kitchen.  Few things still need to be finished off.

  • Doors - We need to order doors for all rooms bar the bathroom
  • Blinds - As its now dark at night, people can see in like a peep show.
  • Paint and tile kitchen - Paint is the easy part, hard part is getting Michele to pick the tiles she wants.
  • Finishing touches to Bathroom - Towel heater still to be fitted.

We are planning to try and get all this finished by Christmas (glad I still have a week off!)